Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#89, March 30, afternoon

There are so many emotions, I wish I could put them all into words. Something to do with my role as a woman, or perhaps as a sexual being - I've never felt more secure, but I've never challenged myself more than I'm doing now.

This afternoon, S and I picked up where we left off last night. When he told me he was able to call, I told him I wanted to chat for a while first, for which I'm glad. It made it so much more intense.

I'm amazed he'll play out this fantasy with me. It's scary for me, changing the image I have of myself... we've done it before, but it's been a while now. I know he finds it arousing, but probably not as much as I do (for which I certainly don't blame him). We solved it elegantly by first doing my version of the fantasy (which made me come), then his (which made him come). (Hearing him come is so hot... I wish I was better at multiples.) Indeed, in fantasy anything is possible.

Afterwards we spent some time, first on phone and then moving back to chat, coming down together... which was lovely, almost better than the sex itself.


  1. I wish Rob would hang around for the cuming down part... it doesn't happen all that often unfortunately due to the late hours we are able to meet up. Last time, after the "last night" post, he starting laughing... a lot... he's never done that before. I kept asking him why, and he wouldn't answer. But who knows, it was cute.

  2. i an envious of your relationship with S

  3. Cande - we mostly don't do much of that either, due to very late nights mostly, but also I've thought many times that what we'd really like to do (or I, at least) is to snuggle up and just be quiet together... which is a bit difficult to do over the phone and even more difficult in chat :-)

    That Girl - Yes... I think I would be too if I wasn't involved in it. It's a beautiful thing. In its best moments it's such a brilliant way of having an affair. (But sometimes the lack of physical contact drives me mad)
