Saturday, March 19, 2011

#78, March 18, late night

Had a very emotional conversation with S tonight, to the point where I was actually crying. Not in a sad way, and not because of anything he said, but just because he makes me realize things about myself, things buried so deep inside me. Things I have never discussed with anyone else. He makes me feel so very good about myself.

I didn't think we'd go from there to actually fantasizing, masturbating, playing... but we did. It got very late, he had to leave. I watched a film he'd told me that he'd come to earlier in the day, and the orgasm that followed felt like a release not so much for my arousal as for all those feelings, all that intensity.

I feel empty, in a good if I've gotten rid of old junk.


  1. awesome! glad you've feeling 'empty'. empty is good sometimes....

  2. Glad you understood what I meant by that... it is good.

  3. That's exactly what I need too... I'm a bit jealous! haha I wish I could release a bit of emotional and mental baggage.

  4. Cande - so I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll soon be emotionally drained, is s good to unload sometimes.
