Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#64, March 8, afternoon

Feels odd to post this, but I will anyway.

I was in the middle of a couple of erotic activities. I had just made a new video for S, which I was very happy with (both the making and the result, hooray), and I was chatting with J.

Then I got some pretty bad news, over the phone.

After, I was very upset. I wanted the arousal from before to go away - it felt inappropriate. But it wouldn't, so I masturbated, and came.

In a way, it was good to think about something else for a couple of minutes. Still leaves me with a strange feeling.


  1. I find that it just plain eases the tension sometimes. Whether it's "cool" or not, it feels better afterwards. When I'm stressed or have a lot of work, I tend to get over active in that kind of activity.

  2. You have nothing to feel strange about. There is a direct connection between being more relaxed and having a satisfying orgasm. It is not just a sexual thing.

  3. Cande, Anon - your comments make me feel more comfortable about the whole thing. I suppose it's one of many ways for the body to relieve some of that stress.

  4. Johanna, exactly correct. And if it is a way that works for you, than you should embrace it completely, and as much as you wish. It makes me smile to sense that you feel like that the feedback you are getting seems to be helping you along throughout the whole discovery process. As to another recent post, let me assure you that I know how it feels to be with a partner in which you care for the other person but it is not the " wow, wow" you are looking for and craving.
