Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#65, March 9, afternoon

I'm still troubled by something that's going on in my real life. And as long as I am, I don't seem to want to get overly erotic with anyone but myself.

Normally, I love sharing those moments of arousal, getting turned on together... and, with any bit of luck, in one way or another, climaxing together.

Now is different. Obviously, I still need that stress relief - I just don't feel like sharing it with anyone.

Why? I don't know. Perhaps because I'm not in the mood people normally expect me to be while I'm engaged in erotic activities, which is difficult communicating. Perhaps there's an element of shame as well, and my subconscious doesn't seem to care when I tell it that my relaxation and pleasure will not make the worrisome situation any worse.

So this afternoon I watched a clip, and got off, and that was that.


  1. Let me just tell you what I was thinking when I read this post... and it's not strictly post related either. I love your blog. I think it's such a great idea to keep an orgasm diary. Just sayin...

    Apart from that, I think that there are times when we just need to concentrate on ourselves. If there is bad news I find it especially important to be more introspective. And that doesn't just go for day to day stuff but also sexual stuff. I have no idea what the bad news was, but it sounds like it was serious enough for you to go into a sort of shock or mourning phase. It needs to happen, it's the way it is, and you have to do it alone... all aspects, that's working it through in your mind but also your body has to fit into the same groove.

  2. Cande makes a lot of sense here. I think that you keeping an orgasm diary and being so open and real about and within it is one of the hottest things I have ever heard and that this blog is one of if not the best I have ever seen. Just sayin ...

    It is hard for a giving person like me to think about myself, whether it is sexually or otherwise. You seem to be very sweet as well. Yet sometimes we just have to take care of us above all else. I like to think that it energizes me to continue to give to others, being that I am in the field of education. Cande is right, mind and body should always complement one another and nothing you enjoy, sexual or otherwise, should you feel guilty or weird about.

    The main character within this whole experience is your own self. That is how it should be. Do what makes you feel right and know that you are thus doing the right thing. If you dwell on how all this is going to affect everyone else within your life, you shall never make your own self truly happy.

  3. Hmmmmm...I'm sort of feeling the same way right now. I am a bit stressed with things in my everyday life, and it's hard for my brain to stop racing right now. I just don't feel the need for anyone to touch me right now, but I have still been masturbating.

  4. Thank you for your kind and appreciative words, they really mean a lot! IAnd thanks for wise comments... I learn so much from them, they inspire so many thoughts. I had never exchanged thoughts on the topic of sex before I started chatting, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Blogging has certainly added a new dimension, both in the sense that expressing myself forces me to reflect even more, and in the sense that your comments add so much insight and perspective.
