Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#114, April 26, mid-day

My curiosity forbade me not to look at the video in Advizor's blog post. And so much did it turn me on that I just kept going, and after watching about one and a half more (randomly chosen) clips I came.

I have become very skilled with watching porn, I have to say. When I started, which is only a couple of years ago, I was shocked at the porn-movie-style. The acting, the artificial sounds and the unrealistic scenarios just turned me off, and I could only watch the truly amateur stuff.

With the evolvement of my own fantasies, things have changed. Nowadays, almost anything works. I simply supplement it with my own setting, my own dialogue, my own on-lookers and participants. Every clip becomes an illustration of my most current masturbation fantasy.

I still can't handle horrible muzak though. Who ever came up with the idea that that noise would be more arousing than the voices, whimpers, groans and sighs of real people!? Does anyone - anyone - appreciate porn groove?


  1. i am new to porn, well, way newer than you are to it and i also enjoy it a great deal and i agree with you. for me i have to add my own scenario but it always works :)

    i wonder though, if i will get bored with this and need more. i guess time will tell.

    worse for me than the artificial sounds are the stupid 'omg, this is so effin hot' looks. it just gets old after a while.

  2. You're absolutely right, and that's probably what I meant by "almost anything works", lol... just hadn't thought it through. And I have to admit that trying to avoid both pasted fake exaltation and overly rythmic muzak represents a fairly big limitation as far as quantity goes...

  3. Thanks for the link back Johanna. As for porn, when I was new to it I watched it all and I watched a lot, but now, my "viewing" is down at least 80% from a couple of years ago but I know what I like and I'm patient in finding it. But i agree that the audio is just as important as the scene itself.

  4. I like both... the ones I very consciously, and somewhat patiently, look for, and the ones I stumble upon when I'm too impatient to go looking. I like being surprised.
