Sunday, April 17, 2011

#107, April 17, morning

Had a sleepy but intimate conversation with S late last night, but he had to log off before we'd really gotten anywhere.

Had pretty good Sunday morning sex with husband this morning, but didn't come.

While he was in the shower I stayed in bed. I silently opened the laptop and started watching a video without turning the sound on, while using the vibrator, of which my husband knows nothing. I won't really go into our mismatched sex life here. It was a great video though and I was thoroughly enjoying myself.

When I heard the shower go silent and a child starting to make its way up the stairs I was about two seconds from coming. I quickly closed the laptop and put the vibrator in its secret drawer, feeling a sharp disappointment, certain it was ruined.

But as I got up to get dressed I realized it had started and could not be stopped. Standing on my knees in bed I finished with my fingers, as I heard quick little footsteps approaching, and the bathroom door opening. When my husband came in wrapped in a towel, and my son stood in the door yelling something about hunger, I was already in a long t-shirt and, on legs that were still shaking, on my way to the kitchen.

Not a bad start of the day. I have a feeling I will be a good mother and wife today.


  1. So which video was it? :-)

    And I love the idea of the stealth orgasm.... very sexy

  2. I tried to find it now, but couldn't. Anyway, it wasn't special in any way, it just happened to go very well with my own fantasies right then. Mostly I use the videos as a sort of background noise. The trick is to find one that matches the most current daydream. It doesn't have to be very good; in my mind I'll add a dialogue and a setting to my liking ;-)

  3. Yeah which video?
    I also did the deed during this morning's shower. It's gonna be a good sunday! :0))

  4. Good for you... and thanks for stopping by and for commenting!
