Friday, April 15, 2011

#106, April 15, afternoon

Ok, to recapitulate I've so far come up with several needs that call for an orgasm. Arousal is number one of course, but anxiety is definitely important as well. Furthermore, there are several conditions that can be alleviated through physical release - sleeplessness and an irritable mood being two, but I'm sure there are others.

And then there's pure... addiction? I think I've become so used to that release that if I go say a day and a half without one, my body starts protesting. If S is around that feeling is very easily channelled into overwhelming arousal, but we don't really seem to talk that much during the workday any more. Today has been relatively quiet in that regard, just a quick hello this morning, so I've been feeling the itch grow as I've been working.

I still had quite a lot of work to do before calling it a day but eventually I just couldn't focus, and had to make time for a break. I happened to find a video that correspended very well to one of my perversions, so it was indeed a quickie. Now back to work.


  1. I love the list. Call it "Johanna's Medicanal Uses of Orgasms". Perhaps you could sell it as a self-help title ;-)

  2. I'm actually getting a little bored with the work I do so maybe writing that book isn't such a bad idea :-)
