Thursday, June 30, 2011

#170, June 29, night

S and I are not talking much during work hours these days, which I'm fine with, since I'm sort of enjoying focusing on work for once.

But nights... are hot. I can't talk every night, since I'm really busy with work and I can't work if I'm too sleep deprived. Like most lovers I try to work out ways that we can talk anyway... tonight I slept for two full hours before he came online. The laptop was on the bed next to me, and I woke by the message sound alert. I wonder if he'd think it silly if he knew. I don't really care. Whatever works, works.

And tonight we talked about something we haven't discussed before.... which I enjoyed. A lot.

The probing. The implying. The pauses. The hesitation.

Mmm. We're so good at this: exploring.