Monday, June 6, 2011

#149, June 6, afternoon

My family was at home. I withdrew to work, door closed around me. Took out my work things, but couldn't resist logging on to the chat client as well. Got a message from S... answered... got one back...

When messages had flowed for over an hour I couldn't resist slipping a very small vibe inside my panties... and I'll leave you to imagine the rest.

Feeling very relaxed now, with a smile on my face. And some work to catch up on.


  1. Oh Johanna I do envy your ability to sneak a secretive orgasm in such a way. My family are filling the house at the moment. How I would love to slip a 'fleshlight' or 'lovehoney' discretely down my panties but somehow that just wouldn't work :)
    LOL I have just remembered that I have moaned about this before

  2. Ah. Well. It wasn't as inconspicuous as I may have lead you to believe. I was sitting behind a closed door, and had that door been opened... let me just say that my "murdering of kittens" would have been pretty obvious :-)
