Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In the dark

I love masturbating in complete darkness.

I don't, usually. At night, I'm usually bathed in the bluish light from my small laptop, either typing with S or reading a story or watching a clip. And even if the computer isn't resting on my breasts I usually keep it on anyway, since I've been writing about every single orgasm for the past six months or so, and I've usually done that right after climaxing. So what's the point in turning it off.

But I don't do that anymore, do I? Last night, S was sharing a delicious fantasy, and I really got into it. Then he had to go... so I turned off the laptop, and lay in the dark, and imagined every word of that scene, every face, every delicious detail... I played it in my head like a film, a script. I even mumbled some of the lines, imagined the moans, the sighs, the gasps.

I came hard, in the dark, and then I went right to sleep. And now it's morning, and still dark in my little room, and I feel like doing it all over again. I can hear the kids playing merrily downstairs (for once!) and my husband snoring in the next room, so... I just might.

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