Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The state of things

I've had a loooong vacation, with very limited possibilities for talking online and/or masturbating. I need my alone time back. Looking forward to going back to work. A lot.

I've seen the woman I'm interested in again, finally, after a couple of months of no contact... I can't figure out if she's flirting back or just warm-hearted by nature. She smiles a lot, she's very physical. Which doesn't necessarily mean that she's flirting. Which probably doesn't mean that she's flirting. Ah, I wish I knew. I've enjoyed seeing her again nonetheless. A lot.

S has gone away, and I won't be talking with him over the next couple of weeks. I already miss him. A lot.

1 comment:

  1. I think your intuition that she is flirting is more accurate than wondering. Have you suggested lunch...or coffee...or just some kind of time together? Go on, know you are more in touch with your feelings than ever before.
