Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This online relationship that I'm finding myself in, which I'll call a relationship though I think that the other involved party will still not acknowledge it as such, is moving back and forth, constantly changing shape.

It used to be a tidal wave that swept me away, but it has evolved into a sea that I swim in... sometimes calm, sometimes upset, sometimes going this way, sometimes that, but constantly surrounding me, embracing me. I love the fact that I can't see the end of it.

Sometimes I'm getting more out of it than he is perhaps. Right now I'm floating, enjoying, letting him do most of the work... but I sense that he's okay with that. Hopefully I'll get to return the favour.

At least that's what I tell myself. I never know for certain, and actually I love that fact as well.

It's a wonderful contrast to the steady ground that is my marriage. I'm finding it easier and easier to handle the transition between my wave-riding existance and my more predictable landbased one... toghether, they provide me with the foundations of a good life.


  1. Sounds like your finally at a place that suits you. I hope the ride never ends for you.

  2. I'm glad things are leveling out. The waves will never cease though, which is part of the fun I think. But sometimes they are bigger than others and rock your world more than others.

    It's interesting that you say he does more for you than you for him. I always thought that too, I find that Rob has always been on the giving end. But I know for a fact that they get a lot out of it too. Ego boosts is one big one among others...
